Is this your “Zehaad” where people don’t love each other only hates?

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Yakub Qureshi, the BSP functionary:”Rs 51 crore to “anyone who comes forward and claims responsibility for the attack”. “Whosoever disrespects the Prophet Mohammad deserves death.” (Ref TOI Jan 8, 2015).

I would like to ask:

  1. Where was he when there was a communal riots in Muzaffurnagar and people had to leave their homes being helpless. Where were his 51 crs.
  2. Where was he when Mr. M F Hussain portrayed offensive painting of “Bharat Mata” – insulted whole nation? Where was his justice?

If you have 51 crs. then please help your community for their education and employment. so that they will be able to understand the true meaning of “Zehaad”. He knows if people get educated and employed well they won’t listen to them, may revolt back or won’t take the path of terrorism. He knows very well that in secular India people associate their leaders with their community, still such leaders give these types of inappropriate statements to the society.

I have many friends from this community and I feel very bad when people point out the whole community because of the criminal behaviour of few belong to particular community. It’s just because of leaders like him! They are main culprit. Taking life of someone is the only way to protest?

Is our life become so cheap?

People who thinks they are involved in terrorism in the name of “Zehaad”, and helping their community to get new status in this world. You are only responsible today that the whole world started disrespecting the community, you are associated with. Good human being of your community also hates you.

Is this your “Zehaad” where people don’t love each other only hates?
This is not only for Mr. Qureshi, but for all leaders who are misleading their followers by giving such type of statements and the followers who are encouraging them with their claps. They have courage to do so because of us, we are followers. We need to stand up and instead of Cris-crossing we ought to examine our own leaders and take the decision. The day leader will see people are becoming human beings and started thinking on the basis of humanity instead of religious bias, they will become weak and will stop giving such statements…..

RIP to journalists and friends who killed in Paris!!!!

This article is contributed by Ms. Anuradha Singh.